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Neuroscience Of Learning

Neuro-Link serves people, schools, organizations and corporates with brain-based learning and development technologies assisting them to develop and become more of who they can be. Neuro-Link specializes in a people development technology called brain-based learning and development. We are workplace learning specialists, specialising in the neuroscience of learning. 


This unique field grew from the need for mental literacy in the Millennium of the Mind and the Century of the Brain. 


It applies relevant information and research on how the brain learns and thinks and how to develop 21st century people. 

Brain Training

Business Needs

Neuro-Link assists people, teams and organisations to:


  • Facilitate organisational change

  • Identify and develop peoples’ unique potentials

  • Enhance emotional intelligence

  • Increase performance

  • Accelerate learning

  • Develop values-driven leaders

  • Maintain mental wellness

  • Identify and minimize potential for human error

  • Reduce fatigue

  • Manage Stress

Online Learning

Neuro-Link is an accredited service provider to the Health and Professionals Council of South Africa (HPCSA).  We offer many cutting edge accredited online modules.



Neuro-Link is an accredited service provider to the Health and Professionals Council of South Africa (HPCSA).  


The University of Pretoria Neuro-Science Group has a collaborative academic agreement with Neuro-Link in the field of Neuroscience Performance Couching (NSPC), Higher Neuroscience Coaching and Brain Fitness.


We also have provisional accreditation with the Services SETA under number 029.

A Neuroscientific Approach To Learning

Our courses, workshops and training interventions are grouped into various neuroscientific people development processes:

A Neuroscientific Approach to Wellness Program:

Neuro-Link is an accredited service provider of the Health and Professional Council of South Africa (HPCSA). Healthcare practitioners completing our accredited wellness programs are awarded 6 CEU's per module.


The purpose of this program is to empower professionals with physical, mental, spiritual and social skills to cope with life’s joys, sorrows and change, while still being able to perform well. It is often integrated as part of the workplace wellness initiatives of companies. 


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A Neuroscientific Approach to Coaching Program:

The University of Pretoria Neuroscience Group has a collaborative academic agreement with Neuro-Link in the field with Neuroscience Performance Coaching (NSPC). Neuro-Link and University of Pretoria Neuroscience Group, developed the CEatUP (Continued Education) course, Introduction to Neuroscience Coaching.  They also present the CEatUP (Continued Education) courses, certificate in Higher Neuroscience Coaching and Brain Fitness Training


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University of Pretoria Letter of Referral


Stellenbosch University Letter of Referral


Read more about Higher Neuroscience Courses at University of Pretoria


A Neuroscientific Approach To Performance

The High Achiever Development Program:

Neuro-Link’s Emotional Intelligence program is called “High Achiever”. What makes this programme unique is the fact that it is a brain-based emotional intelligence development process. The purpose of this brain-based emotional intelligence development program is to empower workers with intrapersonal and interpersonal skills to enhance their personal impact in the workplace and create team effectiveness.


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A Neuroscientific Approach to Leadership Program:

The only way that people & organizations will maintain their competitive advantage is to out-think, out-learn & out-create their competition. This makes brain power the number one determiner for success in this millennium.  


Neuro-Link has a neuroscientific approach towards developing emotionally intelligent leaders. It is intended on helping individuals & organizations to fulfil their potential through accurate awareness & understanding of their neurological design and what their unique learning & thinking preferences are. 


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Educational Development Programs:

Neuro-Link trains lecturers and teachers to improve the transfer of learning and learning design of materials by teaching them the learning implications of the brain and to use combinations of brain-integration techniques and activities in the classroom to switch the brain on and prepare learners for learning.


There are three training phases that form part of this course. The first phase is Brain Integration, the second phase is Learning Skills and the third phase is Emotional Intelligence development in the classroom.


Read More About Phase 1, 2 & 3 Training: 

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A Neuroscientific Approach To  Developing Sports People:

Neuro-Link has a collaborative agreement with the University of Pretoria in the field of neuroscience sports optimization for sports people. We follow a holistic approach towards bringing sports people into physical and mental balance in order to optimize their physical and mental performace. We assist sports people to optimize their brain performance by assessing the drivers that enhance their brain performance and how that impacts their unique neurological design. A scientific and unique benchmark of health and skill related fitness is followed in the program.


Read more about this program. 



All of our courses, workshops and learning interventions can be presented as outlined in the above programs.
Individual modules, however, can also be presented as stand-alone interventions on their own.
For more information on individual courses contact us.
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Taylor-Made Workshops

Neuro-Link strives to address the needs of all our clients. If you are interested in one of our workshops, but have not seen one that meets your needs above please do not hesitate to contact us for a tailor-made presentation, as 50% of the workshops we present are still tailor-made. 


We also present public workshops. For more information contact us

Some Recent Clients:
Anglo American
Centro Cultural
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