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Discover Your Amazing Neurological Design

Neuro-Link’s assessments provide validated and highly reliable information which can help people understand themselves and others better and make informed decisions about optimizing their brain performance, developing themselves and becoming the best they can be. 


University of Stellenbosch is an educational institution that uses Neuro-Link’s brain profiles to optimize students’ brain performance and learning results. Click here and watch the video about your amazing neurological design.

What is a brain profile assessment?

Our brain profile assessments are called Learning Receptiveness Profiles. It is not a psychometric test. The LRP™ brain profile assessment indicates a person’s unique neurological wiring.

In this profile of a person’s  brain preferences and its various regions, we have simplified neuroscience to avoid being too technical, but  we have also been conscious not to over-simplify, because the brain is a  web-like structure of neurons which form complex assemblies of brain cells which make up a person’s brain regions. This brain profile is a neuroscientific, multi-dimensional assessment that identifies 6 drivers that can be enhanced for optimum brain performance and 7 different neurological learning styles. It provides validated and highly reliable information which can help people and organizations make informed decisions about future development, subject choices and career choices.

Why do a brain profile assessment?
You cannot improve what you can't measure!

  This assessment will help you to :


  • Improve your mental performance

  • Accurately understand your potential

  • Identify drivers that will optimize your potential

  • Understand your 7 different learning styles

  • Make informed subject, career and job choices

  • Identify potential areas of human error

  • Understand your team/family

  • Manage yourself more effectively

  • Manage others more effectively

  • Understand your unique communication style

  • Strengthen your self-esteem

  • Maintain wellness

  • Discover your neurological design

  • Find purpose

Purpose Of Our Profiles

The purpose of this brain profile is for people to identify their unique potential, understand themselves and others better, manage themselves more effectively, discover how uniquely they process information, identify how skilled they are at learning, which strengths and preferences they have when learning and thinking and it also indicates areas for future development. 


It is the most comprehensive learning and thinking styles assessment that exists, as it assesses all the primary factors that influence brain performance and learning receptivity. 


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3 Brain Profile Assessments

Brain profiles are done for adults, managers & teams in businesses as well as students and children from the age of 6 years and up.  There are three different Learning Receptiveness Profiles :

LRP™ Toolkid

For children aged 6 to 9.


Neuro-Link compiles a Learning Readiness Profile for children ages 6-9 to determine how ready they are for formal learning.



The LRP™ Toolkid is a brain-based assessment tool to determine the neurological wiring of a child, discovering how uniquely they process information, in which mode they prefer to learn, their emotional readiness for learning and it also indicates areas for further development.


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LRP™ Toolbox

For children and students aged 10 and older.   Neuro-Link compiles Learning Receptiveness Profiles of students age 10 and up to determine their learning receptivity.


The LRP™ Toolbox is a brain-based assessment tool to discover how uniquely learners process information, how skilled they are at learning, in which mode they prefer to learn and think, which strengths they have in the learning situation, what their intelligence preferences are and it also indicates areas for further development. It is a powerful tool to develop and polish their unique talents and potential and prepare them for a purposeful future.


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Watch this LRP™ Toolkid video

Watch this LRP™ Toolbox video

LRP™ Advanced +

For adults, managers, leaders and corporates. This brain profile is a practical instrument to discover how uniquely people process information, how skilled they are at learning, which strengths and preferences they have when learning or thinking and it indicates areas for future development.


The LRP™ Advanced + provides feedback on 13 brain profiles, which consist of 6 drivers that influence brain performance and 7 learning styles that impact a person's neurological design.


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Watch this LRP™ Advanced + video

Anchor 1
Options for doing these profiles

Option 1: Profiles can be done as a one on one coaching session, for adults and children. We would highly recommend that profiles be done one on one for children between the ages of 6 to 16 to ensure accuracy. Click on the appropriate brain profile to book a one on one brain profile assessment with a qualified Neuro-Link practitioner.


Option 2: Profiles can be done online. Click here to do an online brain profile assessment.


Option 3:  Brain profile questionnaires can be emailed. Upon receipt of payment,  brain profile questionnaires can be distributed to companies and large groups for manual completion after which the response sheets must be sent back to Neuro-Link for processing the reports and assessment feedback. This option can only be applicable to people over the age of 16. Should this be your preference click here.


Neuro-Link’s brain profile assessments assist people and organizations to:


  • Accurately identify their true potential

  • Have understanding of their own and other’s uniqueness

  • Optimize brain performance - increase brain fitness

  • Develop teams, emotional intelligence & leadership 

  • Identify appropriate further development actions

  • Identify neurological hindrances that may limit performance and increase the risk of human error

  • Accelerate learning and obtain better learning results

  • Make informed subject and career choices 

  • Find Purpose

  • Improve learning skills

  • Cope with stress

  • Develope a positve self-esteem

  • Work smarter and faster

FAQs About Neuro-Link Brain Profile
How accurate is the profile?

The LRP™ is constantly being improved and adapted through new brain research and increasing the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. Documented workshops, doctoral dissertations and experts in the field of brain-based learning and development feel that the LRP™ is highly reliable and accurate. It is however of utmost importance to remember that the frame of mind when the learner completed the questionnaire will have a profound impact on the outcome. The frame of mind required to produce an accurate profile is one where the learner should be brutally honest, objective, understand the questions. It is vital to remember that learners should answer the questions in terms of “what they prefer” and not “what they can do”.

Is the LRP™ validated?

Yes, experts in the field of people development feel that the LRP™ is strongly validated. This is continuously affirmed by documented workshop experiences, plus doctoral dissertations and studies by students and researchers who have based their work on the Learning Receptiveness Profile  . Continuous validation studies are conducted as part of the ongoing research and development efforts of Neuro-Link. Although the LRP™ is not a psychometric test, it complements other validated instruments like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Jung’s Personality Types etc. 

Is there an ideal profile?

Yes. Yours! One of the most appreciated aspects of the LRP™  is that it shows that you are OK, whatever your profile. All people are OK, but in different ways. The LRP™ is a tool provided to encourage you to understand your strengths, preferences, and areas for further development. You can then develop strategies to learn competencies in those areas to increase your competence. By doing this you widen your scope for using different modes of learning and thinking without compromising your unique preferences. 

Can my profile change?

Yes. Change can take place if there is a reason for it. Change seems to take place over a period of time if the individual has the desire and willingness to change, or with a change in their life’s circumstances, or as a result of a significant emotional event. However, if nothing has happened to the individual and they continue to do the same things in the same way, their profile will remain the same.


Some profiles like the Brain Fitness profile (profile 1), the Four Quadrants (profile 4), Expressive and Receptive preferences (profile 3) and Rational and Emotional preferences (profile 5) may definitely change depending on how you develop yourself. A profile like your Information Processing style (profile 6) is genetically determined and will stay the same although physical damage to the brain or the senses can cause the brain to adapt and change.


12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile

This profile measures your competence on twelve different emotional intelligence competencies


The 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile is a practical assessment to determine how skilled a person is in terms of emotional intelligence. This profile also offers suggestions on how emotional intelligence can be developed further. It is an excellent tool for people to identify how they can develop themselves further and enhance their success factors as professionals, leaders and in their personal lives.


It assesses the following 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies:


Intrapersonal Competencies:


  • Emotional Self-Awareness

  • Accurate Self-Assessment

  • Self-Confidence

  • Self-Control

  • Adaptability

  • Self-Motivation


Interpersonal Competencies:


  • Empathy

  • Service Orientation

  • Organizational Awareness

  • Interpersonal Communication

  • Team Functioning

  • Servant Leadership


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Benefits of this profile

  • ​Understanding of the competencies necessary to be well, happy and successful in life and work


  • A blue-print to develop 6 intrapersonal and 6 interpersonal competencies that determines a person’s success and effectiveness in life



Watch this EI video

Options for doing the 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile 

Option 1: Profiles can be done as a one on one coaching session for adults.  Click to book a one on one profile assessment with a qualified Neuro-Link practitioner.


Option 2: Profiles can be done online. Click here to do an online profile assessment.


Option 3:  Questionnaires can be emailed. Upon receipt of payment,  questionnaires can be distributed to companies and large groups for manual completion after which the response sheets must be sent back to Neuro-Link for processing the reports and assessment feedback. Should this be your preference click here.

Some Recent Clients
Auditor General
Rand Water
Leo Pharma
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