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High Achiever Development Program - A Case Study  of Sishen Iron Ore

Sishen Iron Ore Mine is part of the Kumba Iron Ore group inside the Anglo American Mine House. The mines aims at becoming a mega-mine within 5 years.  Part of the human intervention taken to speed up the mine achieving it’s goals was to identify employees with potential.  These employees’ development was “Fast-Tracked” in order to prepare them for management positions as quickly as possible.


Neuro-Link developed the Sishen Fast Track programme through an intervention we call the High Achiever programme which is a brain-based intrapersonal and interpersonal development programme.

Actions Taken
  • A Learning Receptiveness Profile - Advanced Brain Profile was compiled of the Fast Track candidates to identify their readiness for learning and to fast-track the factors that influence their brain performance.


  • A 12 Emotional Intelligences Competencies Profile was compiled of each Fast Track candidate to determine their emotional intelligence competencies.


  • Fast Track candidates underwent 9 modules of brain-based intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies.

Results Achieved

After above measures were taken, the following results were achieved:


  • A. Course participants at Sishen Iron Ore rated the Neuro-Link High Achiever Program. Evaluation was done with the Kirkmax  program that rated Neuro-Link’s services as 86%, which means that a commendable performance was achieved


  • An Organizational Climate Assessment was done at Sishen after Neuro-Link’s High Achiever Program. Sishen hoped to achieve a 3.1% improvement with this intervention. An 8% result was achieved!


  • 87% of participants were promoted to a supervisory or management position within 9 months of completing the fast-track programme


  •  Noticeable behaviour changes in positive attitudes and company culture took place


  • Neuro-Link used the same assessment tools (the LRP™ and the 12 Emotional Intelligences Competencies profile) as a post-assessment to evaluate overall brain fitness and emotional intelligence competencies. Course participants’ brain fitness levels improved 20%, intrapersonal competencies improved 15% and interpersonal competencies improved 18%.

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“A remarkable course which gives one the insight and knowledge to why change is necessary to be successful at what you do. It also helps you to build your personal relationships at home, and control yourself.“

Linsen Fernandez

Sishen Iron Ore Mine


“I would recommend that this profile becomes compulsory for all staff, especially managers.” 

Click the box to see a testimonial of the High Achiever Program at Zincor.

Click the box to see a testimonial of the High Achiever Program at Sishen Iron Ore Mine.

Click the box to see Andre’s profile on linkedIn.

Some Recent Clients:
Sishen Iron Ore
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