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Brain ShopBrain Shop

We Have Many Self-Development Resources To Assist You

There are many resources that can assist you further on your journey of self-development.  All brain shop products can be purchased online or you can contact us.


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The following resources can be obtained from Neuro-Link:

Brain Training

Neuro-Link offers a variety of brain-based self-development, emotional intelligence, wellness and leadership workshops


We also provide practitioner training internationally in all our unique training products. For more information about brain training click here.

Neuro-Link also offers exciting business partnership opportunities internationally to professionals and entrepreneurs.


Neuro-Link offers unique brain profile assessments and emotional intelligence assessments to identify your potential and provide you with guidelines to optimise your potential.


For more information click here

Audio-Visual Aids

Neuro-Link offers a wide range of cutting edge, sought-after DVD’s:

Emotional Intelligence DVD

The Emotional Intelligence DVD is an introduction to 12 emotional intelligence competencies vital for success and leadership in the 21st century. Six intrapersonal competencies and six interpersonal competencies, necessary for being an emotional intelligent person, is discussed to enhance understanding about what it takes to become an emotionally intelligent person. This DVD can serve as a plan of action to develop yourself/others.


For more information click here

$ 20

Anchor 5

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.

Mind Power DVD

The Mind Power  DVD Series consist of four parts. 


The first part illustrates how the brain works, how people process information and how behavior is changed. 


The second part covers your amazing neurological design.


The third part covers 9 drivers that optimize performance and maintain wellness. 


Part four consists of brain integration techniques and activities to increase your brain fitness.


This DVD is a must for anyone who wants to improve their brain power!


For more information click here

$ 40

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.

Anchor 9
Coping With Change, Managing Stress, Maintaining Wellness DVD

The Coping With Change, Managing Stress, Maintaining Wellness DVD consist of two parts.


The first part covers how the brain responds to change, how we lose control over the non-dominant brain hemisphere when we experience stress, how stress impacts the mind and body and the link between stress and wellness. 


Part two covers 11 pro-active skills to help you cope with change, manage stress and maintain wellness. This DVD is a must for any person who experiences difficulty with stress, feelings of burnout, depression, or negative habitual emotions!

For more information click here

$ 30

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.

Anchor 2
Finding Purpose DVD

The Finding Purpose DVD acts as a guide to assist people to figure out their reason for existence, who they are, where they are going to and how they are going to get there. Purpose is what anchors you during times of change. It is your spiritual DNA and your reason for being. It is essential for all people in a turbulent world to be on purpose.


In this DVD you will learn to understand the purpose philosophy, the questions you need to answer to find purpose, what the difference is between a meaningful life and a purposeful life. The DVD also explains the difference between purpose, vision and mission - factors vital to start a purpose journey.

For more information click here

$ 20

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.

Interpersonal Skills DVD

The Interpersonal Skills  DVD is aimed at empowering people with appropriate skills to establish strong social bonds with others. This DVD consists of four modules.


The first module is called social awareness and is all about trying to accurately understand the truth of another and to be more empathic.


The second module is about 4 figurative brain-based communication styles that will assist you to be a more effective communicator.


Module 3 is called social cohesion and deals with factors that strengthen cohesion between people like establishing trust and collaboration.


The last module is about how to be a values-driven servant leader who influences, serves and inspires others.

$ 40

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.

Advanced Whole Brain Integration DVD

The Advanced Whole Brain Integration DVD is a powerful DVD for any individual or professional who wants to understand the neuroscience of learning. It introduces in an easily understood and practical manner, the latest research and applications of what is known about how the human brain learns, how behaviour is established and how it functions, creates and executes ideas.


It consists of 3 modules:


1. How the brain works

2. Discovering different learning styles

3. Brain integration techniques and activities

For more information click here

$ 40

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.

Anchor 1
Brain Fitness DVD



IS YOUR BRAIN FIT ENOUGH TO THINK AND LEARN SMARTER? Brain fitness is a vital prerequisite for 21st Century people who need to handle volumes of information and find new ways to think and learn faster and smarter.


Brain fitness exercises are scientifically based exercises that produce natural growth factors called neurotrophins that activate the brain, keep it fit, fight off the effects of mental aging and improve performance and mental health.  The purpose of the workshop, DVD or book is to equip you with brain integration techniques and activities that can help you to increase your brain fitness and prevent the brain from “switching off” in stressful circumstances. In this workshop you will learn combinations of brain integration exercises that will engage both brain hemispheres, all three brain systems and all eight lobes of the brain. You will be able to incorporate these activities and concepts into your learning design and delivery to enhance the understanding and retention of learning.



It consists of 3 modules:


1. Introduction to brain fitness

2. Sequences of brain fitness activities for learners

3. Advanced brain fitness techniques for sports people

For more information click here

$ 40

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.

Whole Brain Learning Skills DVD

The Whole Brain Learning Skills DVD is for teachers, learners and parents to understand and apply practical skills that will increase their brain fitness, help them cope with stress, have a positive attitude towards learning, humanize their learning environment, adjust to a brain-friendly diet and learn many practical brain-compatible learning strategies that are aligned with their unique learning styles to engage the whole brain for optimum learning.

$ 25

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.


Dr. André Vermeulen is the host of the popular program Breinkrag (Mind Power) on the channel Kruiskyk. Breinkrag is an Afrikaans program about the development implications of neuroscience for people. He has recorded many series like how the brain learns, how the brain thinks, how the brain works, how neuroscience influences leadership, emotional intelligence, education and relationships. More than a hundred and fifty programs are available in Afrikaans.

For more information click here

No price applicable as these DVD's are in Afrikaans

Practitioner Starter Pack - Brain Profile DVD's

Neuro-Link provides Starter Packs to prospective practitioners of our brain profile assessments. This will license them to follow a self-study program that will enable them to become certified practitioners of one of the 3 brain profiles that Neuro-Link offers, even before they have done live practitioner training. The starter pack will consist of all the appropriate DVD’s, manuals, profile software and an assignment. Once the assignment has successfully been completed and the prospective practitioner has passed with 80% or more Neuro-Link will certify the practitioner to start compiling profiles. Final accreditation will take place when the practitioner has attended live practitioner training within one year of purchase of the starter pack.

For more information click here

$ 4000

per license

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.

Practitioner Starter Pack - Whole Brain Learning Skills DVD

Neuro-Link provides starter packs to prospective practitioners of this Whole Brain Learning Skills workshop. This will license them to follow a self-study program that will enable them to become certified practitioners of this workshop that Neuro-Link offers, even before they have done live practitioner training. The starter pack will consist of all the appropriate DVD’s, manuals, profile software and an assignment. Once the assignment has successfully been completed and the prospective practitioner has passed with 80% or more Neuro-Link will certify the practitioner to start presenting the workshop. Final accreditation will take place when the practitioner has attended live practitioner training and also presented a workshop within one year of purchase of the starter pack.

For more information click here

$ 4000

per license

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.

Learn Well DVD

The Learn Well DVD is an informative DVD teaching students how to learn faster and smarter, how to be more motivated, how to get better results, how to write exams more effectively, how to reduce volumes of information to sensible notes and also how to think clearly and solve problems more creatively.


This DVD is a must for anyone who is studying further, wanting to save time and improving their results.

$ 25

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.


Neuro-Link offers a wide range of cutting edge, sought-after CD’s that complement learning, well-being and increased mental performance:

Accelerated Learning CD's

This CD is composed to put you in the proper state to learn most easily and effectively. It combines the latest research in neuroscience and how the brain learns. 


The structure rhythm and tone of this music helps you shift into the alpha brainwave state which is associated with reduced stress and increased hemispheric balance for whole brain learning. 


This CD will help you stay in the zone for optimal learning.

$ 24

Not in stock at the moment.

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.

Baroque Music CD's

Neuro-Link provides a wide range of Baroque music that has a positive impact on memory, learning, thinking, concentration, relaxation and mental productivity.  


Music by composers like Mozart or pieces like Four Seasons by Vivaldi have been proved to enhance your sensory and brain processing ability naturally, while providing a delightful listening experience.  


A whole range of Baroque CD’s are available to complement memory, learning, thinking, and creativity.

$ 20

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.

Quality Relaxation Time CD

This CD contains audio programs to relax. It teaches you how to access the Alpha and Theta brain states for increased energy, focus and rejuvenation. 


If you experience difficulty to have a good, dreamless, deep sleep, this CD also contains a Sleep Assist program to help you drop off to sleep at night.  


This CD is a must for any person who experiences difficulty with stress, insomnia or depression.

$ 30

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.

Zamar CD

This music CD by ZAMAR will enhance a positive mindset and supports the process which leads a listener to Alpha and low Beta brain rhythm states. 


It is therefore good to listen to while studying and performance low key activities that require a person's full attention and concentration. 


This music also supports brain integration which in turn will naturally lead to enhanced and peak mental performance.

$ 20

Please note: We reserve the right to change prices without notice since the Dollar exchange rate fluctuates daily.


In this book Dr. André Vermeulen have simplified Neuroscience to avoid being too technical. I am conscious of not over simplifying because the brain is a web- like structure of neurons, which form complex assemblies of brain cells which make up the various regions of your brain. You, however do not need to become a Neuroscientist. You only need a basic understanding of your brain function and then learn the simple strategies that will increase your brain fitness.


The purpose of this book is to be a quick user guide to simple activities that anyone can do to cope with the demands of the 21st century. It is your go-to guide if you are feeling lethargic, slow, and anxious or stressed out. Utilizing the tips, tools and techniques in this book, will help you work faster and smarter and help you to make the most of your brain.

Click here to watch video

This book can be purchased directly from Click here

Anchor 4

Neuro-Link offers cutting edge, sought-after supplements that complement learning, well being and increased mental performance for 21st century people.


The Neuro-Linx formulation has been especially developed for 21st century leaners and thinkers. It has shown to improve cognitive functions like memory and recall, concentration, mental clarity, speed of learning, information processing, balance and coordination and improves symptoms related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  


Neuro-Linx also inhibits stress and exercise induced increases in cortisol.  It treats age-related memory problems and depression. Change the way you grow older by recharging your memory for the many years ahead.

Not available yet in the USA.


The Omega 3 found in Krill oil is phospholipid bound. This improves bioavailability and plays key roles in the structure and function of the brain cell membranes and cell signaling.  It contains astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant. It is naturally free of heavy metals and other toxins and contains no iodine. 


Clinical trails on Krill oil has shown improvement in cardio-vascular health and brain function, decreases in joint pain and inflammation, supports hormonal balance and has anti-ageing effects.


Neuro-Mega is the cutting edge supplement for 21st century people to out-think, out-learn and out-create their competition!

Not available yet in the USA.

Subscribe To Neuro-Info

The purpose of our newsletter is to discuss relevant themes that impact the brain and influence how we think, learn and conduct ourselves. In time to come we will explore the relationship between the brain and laughter, leadership, brain fitness, memory, diet, stress, intelligence, attitude, etc. 


Contact us for more information.

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