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Fatigue Management - A Case Study  of Sishen Iron Ore

Sishen Iron Ore Mine is part of the Kumba Iron Ore group inside the Anglo American Mine house.  A psychological survey indicated that first-line truck drivers and crane operators showed increased signs of fatigue, absenteeism from work and a negative mindset.


Neuro-Link consulted Sishen as experts in the field of a neuroscientific approach to wellbeing and fatigue management.

Actions Taken

A. An assessment of the cabins in which the operators / drivers work was made to determine how brain friendly (brain ergonomics) the cabins were and appropriate measures was taken to humanize the inside cabins of vehicles and machinery.


B. Assessments were done on the operators / drivers to determine how they process information and identify possible risk factors during stress or fatigue.


C. Leadership was appropriately trained to understand how fatigue / stress impacts the brain’s performance in order for them to understand, make appropriate decisions and manage employees and machinery in order to reduce fatigue, increase performance and ensure safety.


D. Training was done with machinery operators / drivers in order to understand how they process information, what possible risk factors may be prevalent and how they can understand themselves and others better.


E. A holistic fatigue management programme (body/mind/spirit) was designed and first-line management, leadership and employees were trained in these activities in order to manage fatigue effectively.


F. Specific sequences of brain integration techniques and activities that would prepare the neurological system for information processing  and “switch it on” was designed for first-line operators to do every hour and a half during a shift.  These activities were also made part of performance management criteria as to ensure that they would be done.

Results Achieved

After above measures were taken, industrial psychologists assessed first-line truck drivers and operators again and found the following:


A. A decrease in fatigue related incidents and accidents, which directly impacts on saving lives and preventing injuries.


B. A decrease in absenteeism which has a direct impact on productivity and performance.


C. Behavior changes in mindsets of operators and truck drivers changed from a pessimistic to an optimistic mindset which will directly impact interpersonal relationships, performance and health in the medium to long term.


D. 14th Cheque bonuses, based on performance and productivity at the end of this intervention was at an all- time high as much more tons of iron ore was excavated.


E. Neuro-Link used the same assessment (the LRP™) as a post- assessment to evaluate brain fitness levels, which improved by 22% on average.


F. First-line operators and drivers rated the intervention that Neuro-Link initiated with an evaluation that was done by using the Kirkmax programme, and they rated this intervention as 80%, which means that a commendable performance was achieved.


G. Workers responded that the physical brain integration techniques and activities definitely contributed towards decreasing fatigue.

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“I have learned that some of the things that causes us to stress are minor things too.  Positive attitude works.  It’s been a good course for me.  The facilitator makes the course interesting because there must be participation, during training.” – LU Radebe


“ I found the course very interesting as well as an eye opener of where and when I see myself.  All levels of employees should attend this type of training sessions.” – Richard Ross-Allen


“I thank Kumba for the development I got; the strong, innovative and creative person I am through the Fast Tract.  People think I make a difference in their lives, a positive influence.”


“If what has been learnt can be applied by everyone it will definitely influence the organisation and world positively.  Incorporating young generation in this course will take our country to better place.”


Click here to see a testimonial of the Fatigue Management Program at Sishen Iron Ore.

Click here to see a testimonial of Zincor.

Some Recent Clients:
Anglo American
Centro Cultural
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