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12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile



Do you want to increase the impact you have in society and develop your interpersonal skills? Do you know where to start? Let us help you develop a blueprint to optimize the success factors of your life. Do an online profile or contact us for a one on one coaching session today!

This profile measures a person's competence on twelve different emotional intelligences.


The 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile is a practical assessment to determine how skilled a person is in terms of emotional intelligence. It illustrates 6 intrapersonal competencies and 6 interpersonal competencies of emotional intelligence. This profile also offers suggestions on how emotional intelligence can be developed further. It is an excellent tool for people to identify how they can develop themselves further and enhance their success factors as professionals, leaders and in their personal lives.

Product Overview

The twelve emotional intelligence competencies are:


 6 Intrapersonal Competencies:


  • Emotional self-awareness

  • Accurate self-assessment

  • Positive self-esteem

  • Self-control

  • Adaptability

  • Self-motivation


6 Interpersonal Competencies:


  • Empathy

  • Service orientation

  • Organizational awareness

  • Interpersonal communication skills

  • Social cohesion and team functioning

  • Servant leadership   


Benefits of this profile:


Understanding of the competencies necessary to be well, happy and successful in life and work.


  • A blue-print to develop 6 intrapersonal and 6 interpersonal competencies that determines a person’s success and effectiveness in life.

  • Personal impact in society & the workplace

  • Establish strong social bonds with others

  • Accurate self-awareness & understanding

  • Accurate social awareness

  • Self-management competence

  • Interpersonal & social skills

  • Self-motivation

  • Interpersonal communication skills

Rone de Klerk, Student Intern at ARC-API

Johannesburg Area, South Africa


A powerful tool for growth in anyone on the journey of self-improvement and discovery.

Charlotte D Blignaut, Education Portfolio at ICF Gauteng Chapter

Johannesburg Area, South Africa


The most comprehensive tool I have come across for consolidated understanding of the uniqueness of each of us, as individuals. It is an empowering insight as to how our intelligence in all these 12 areas makes us truly efficient and how perfectly we actually do work. The manner is which our "blind" spots are highlighted is fascinating and informative in a naturally positive manner. This is a must have for any Learning & Development specialist, especially those involved in Talent management.

January 15, 2014

Remember, at Neuro-Link we help people understand themselves and others better and make informed decisions about optimizing their brain performance, developing themselves and becoming the best they can be.

Recommendations from Professionals

Annelie Peusschers,


After completing the emotional intelligence course I have developed the skills to identify and manage my own emotions and the emotions of others. I now have the ability to use and identify emotions and to apply them to reach personal goals. The importance of managing one's emotions, including the ability to regulate these emotions, contribute to improve the lives of others. What can be of more importance than to be a good communicator! This EI course will enable a person to interpret, and respond to the emotions of others in a positive and uplifting way and therefore makes a difference in people's lives on a daily basis.

January 23, 2014


Susan Hepple, Brain-based Learning and Development Consultant at Neuro-Link

South Africa

If you think you are emotionally intelligent, chances are that your probably not! This profile will enable you to embrace your strengths but to also recognise your weak spots pertaining to emotional intelligence. It's a powerful tool to get to know and understand yourself better but also to understand your emotions and behaviours towards others. Without understanding yourself, you will not be able to understand others!! I highly recommend this profile as the first step to become more Emotionally Intelligent.

August 22, 2013


Marilet Branders, Market research specialist at Altech

Johannesburg Area, South Africa


Emotional intelligence are extremely important and will help individuals with a variety of skills, such as the ability to manage relationships, have better social relationships and to influence, inspire and motivate not only yourself but also others.


Effective leaders need a high level of emotional intelligence. This will influence efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, team work and success Emotional Self-Awareness and self-control are important because this will help individuals and leaders to recognize their strengths and weaknesses. This will help them to improve on emotions that obstruct healthy relationships and will help you to handle conflict better and address problems in the right manner. Emotional self-awareness will also make people aware of their feelings and how to manage those emotions.

Self-control will let you reflect on thoughts before expression. This is very important in any job, because your bad emotional actions can have big implications on your job.


Effective Communication: What is the benefit of emotional awareness and management if you are unable to clearly express your thoughts? Luckily, individuals with emotional intelligence also have the skill of effective communication. They are able to clearly convey directions and know what to say in order to inspire and motivate others. An important skill for leaders, communication can be a deciding factor in whether the team listens or not. Social cohesion and team functioning: This helps you to be tuned to the emotions of others and are able to pick up on what is going on around them.


With good social cohesion and team functioning you will be able to sympathize with others by putting yourself in the employee’s shoes and giving helpful feedback. Social cohesion is critical, to inspire and motivate a team. Leaders with emotional intelligence are equipped to handle conflicts and provide resolution.

Leaders can use their emotional intelligence to develop a more effective workplace. Strong organizational awareness will help you to see the organization and its people in a different light. It’s also important to be a servant leader, to put other people’s interests high on the ranking, to give without expecting back and to do things without looking for the rewards.

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Anglo American
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